Monday 15 September 2014

Mine/Pump Boosting: Tips And Tricks!

Hey guys! Just gonna say a few stuff about boosting your mines and pumps. As of recently mines and pumps are now 1 gem due to a special event. So I'll tell you some tips on that!

Tip 1) Boost!! This is a good way to get gold/elixir fast! This is what you should use your gems from gem boxes or what not.

Tip 2) Boosting Your Mines/Pumps Is better to waste your gems on than getting treasure from the gems, it's like 200 gems to fill up 10%!! For like mines/pumps it's only 1 at the moment (though only because there's a special event, it's only like 10 gems really) so if your patient and have time you should do this strategy!

Tip 3) You should really boost only if you have a shield because you could get raided and your loot will get taken. You should put out your town hall in the open, then once you get raided, put it back to safety and boost your to the fullest!!

Tip 4) Just do it for god sake!

Hope you like this post!

-Xeno (Kyle Is Not My Name)

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