Sunday 21 September 2014

Good TH6 base

Great th6 base! Sorry for lack of posts, I was busy :P. Anyway nice design and layout! But a really bad trophy base. Good place for storages, nice place for defences. Overall good, this base is maxed out so don't be too surprised :)! So bye guys!

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Monday 15 September 2014

Mine/Pump Boosting: Tips And Tricks!

Hey guys! Just gonna say a few stuff about boosting your mines and pumps. As of recently mines and pumps are now 1 gem due to a special event. So I'll tell you some tips on that!

Tip 1) Boost!! This is a good way to get gold/elixir fast! This is what you should use your gems from gem boxes or what not.

Tip 2) Boosting Your Mines/Pumps Is better to waste your gems on than getting treasure from the gems, it's like 200 gems to fill up 10%!! For like mines/pumps it's only 1 at the moment (though only because there's a special event, it's only like 10 gems really) so if your patient and have time you should do this strategy!

Tip 3) You should really boost only if you have a shield because you could get raided and your loot will get taken. You should put out your town hall in the open, then once you get raided, put it back to safety and boost your to the fullest!!

Tip 4) Just do it for god sake!

Hope you like this post!

-Xeno (Kyle Is Not My Name)

TH10 Base: A Very trophies Base

Hey guyz! Found a nice th10 trophy base! Really nice! Nice setup, nice everything really. Although this person is in mega empire soo... :3. I don't really have much to say about this base other than what I just said so sowwy :(. But don't worry I'm posting another post about how boosting your mines and pumps RIGHT NOW is better than wasting gems on buying treasure so baii :)

Sunday 14 September 2014

TH 6 Base: The Swastika! (Also really bad defences)

Hey guys! Sorry for bad Image quality!! Just awful :P, anyway I found a what seems to be TH 6 base. Nice trophie hunting base, but terrible for gold/elixir protection! BTW the broken thing next to 
The wizzi tower is an archer tower and the thing next to the elixir storage is a cannon. Anyway what I think he should improve is the air defences! Like they only level one!! An easy win with the baloonion strategy! And level one archer towers!!!! Very bad defences but decent enough design! Think he's German, you know the swastika thing and all :3. Anyways so good structure for base and bad clan name! Lawl remember guys daily posts!!

Air Quote Really Good Base Air Quote

Hey guys! Just want to show you a good example of a TERRABLE TH8 Base! Holy crapp man!!!!! Just awful! I'll explain; first of all, no protection on TH OR Gold/Elixir Storages!! I'm felling sick already! Lawl
 :3 and also his air defences are only lvl3!!! -_-!! God I can't even speak more! No Offense Úna123, but your awful at base designing, if you see this (probably not) check out my other tips on bases :3

Friday 12 September 2014

TH10 Base #1

Hey thure! Itsa mee, Kylio! Lol wtf anyway let's get cooking! This a random one I found on the leaderboards. Looks pretty good. You could give it a shot :3. Hope yous enjoy!